Friday, February 2, 2007

Week 4- #9 Find Library blogs or news feeds.

I tried out the various search engines and didn't find much that I liked. I liked that Feedster has a sort by relevance button - the the blogs still weren't that relevant. at least gave more relevant information.

I searched the news for some recent attacks on women in Santa Cruz. In addition to the attacks on women I found out that Mountain Lion sitings are on the rise in the area. This is because of the mountain lion attack in northern California where the 65 year old woman saved her 70 year old husband by fighting off a mountain lion by poking a pen in it's eye and when the pen just bent, went back to hammering it with a club. The eeriest thing was that when the mountain lion finally let go - he didn't run away - just glared at her and slowly stalked off. The sad part of the story is that they killed TWO mountain lions, just to see if one of them was the attacker. That's annoying. Now everyone is seeing mountain lions all over Santa Cruz. Six sitings a day. So I'm a little off topic. That's how I find these search engines - they take you off topic. What was I looking for? Oh yes...

Finally - all the advertising is extremely annoying. I hate commercials which is part of the reason I don't watch TV. Now there are commercials on all these web pages, it's getting worse and worse.

In sum, I will probably just find relevant blogs from people I know or subjects of interest and add them to Bloglines as I go, rather than going searching for them. It's late on friday afternoon. I am done with RSS feeds and I'm moving on.

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